Showing all 9 results
1693 New France AR Indian Peace Medal
$2,250.00LUDOVICVS MAGNUS REX, bust of Louis XIV right. FELICITAS DOMUS AUGUSTAE, busts of the Dauphin and the Royal Family.
31mm, 9.13g. Signed by T. Bernard. Betts-75v. Plain edge.
Exceedingly rare, multiple types and sizes of these medals were minted, apparently to be given to the Native Americans as peace medals. -
1792 France Revolution Era AE 5 Sols PCGS XF-45
$125.00VIVRE LIBRES OU MOURIR. Soldiers swearing oath before constitution, 14 JUILLET 1790 below || text around denomination. Maz-145. PCGS XF-45.
1794 France Jacques Rousseau AR Medal
$250.001794 French silver medal commemorating Jacques Rousseau.
Bust of Jean-Jacques Rousseau left || PANTHÉON/ OUVERT A JJ/ ROUSSEAU/ CONV. NATIONALE/ 19 VEND. 3. AN./ RFUI
H.639, 425 (Br). Plain edge, indicating an original strike.A rare medal in silver.